About Us


We are a fellowship of individuals who find strength in our diversity.

Each individual among us brings a unique collection of experiences and insights. We enjoy the richness this contributes to our services, our socializing, our music, our shared joys and concerns, our discussions and our vision of the future.  We do not ask that anyone conform to a particularly defined creed but we do covenant together to seek a way of peace, honesty and justice.  In speaking of and acting on our shared values we hope to be a source of strength and support for each other and for the community.  If you are looking for a spiritual community, we welcome your interest.  Please join us.

When are services?

Sunday Services are at 10 am in the Sanctuary.

Recordings of the welcome and reflection will be here on our website, sent to our email list and on our North Chapel YouTube channel when they are available.

Please visit the “Worship With Us” page for updates.


Videos of past services:
During the pandemic Music Director Diane Mellinger created the online Sunday services. Through her talents and technological wizardry the YouTube videos include members and friends who live nearby and far beyond our village in Vermont. The service was similar to the classic services in our sanctuary but included the e-Choir as well as videos during the hymns while the lyrics are displayed. The videos are all available on our North Chapel YouTube channel.

Now we are offering the announcements, meditation music and the weekly reflection on the the “Worship With Us” page as well as on our YouTube channel. We hope you will tune in

What happens when I arrive?

We gather each week for Sunday morning worship at 10:00 am and attendance averages between 80 and 100 adults each week. Our congregation is a group of members and friends from the Upper Valley who range in age from gurgling newborns to singing grandparents.

A Greeter will meet you in the foyer and give you an order of service, show you where to hang your coat, and direct you to the Welcome Table which is just inside the sanctuary.

If you are new, one of our greeters will introduce him or herself, ask you to sign our guest book, fill out a name tag (optional), and answer your questions.

If you have young children, the greeter will invite you to have your child attend our Spiritual Education group and explain that the children are “sung out” during the service.

If you arrive at least 10 minutes before the service starts, we will be happy to give you and your children a tour of our facilities. We can also give you and your children a tour after the service.

What happens during the service?

The Sunday morning service lasts about an hour and is a combination of music, centering meditation and readings. It includes a time of welcome and call to worship, the lighting of the chalice, a sharing of our joys and concerns, singing and a reflection that is a fundamental component of the service.

The messages are probably different from what you may have experienced – our sermons do not provide all the answers. Rather, we hope they will encourage you to think and make up your own mind.  

We are proud of our choir and the wide range of music they offer, everything from shape note hymns, spirituals, gospel, folk, to South African songs and traditional hymns. The choir and other musicians often rehearse until 9:45 or 9:50 and you might choose to come a bit early to hear a preview of what’s to come. Our organ, the Thayer Organ, built in 1875, is nationally known by organ enthusiasts as unique for its bright sound and musical flexibility.


Do you welcome everyone?


We are a welcoming congregation of gay and straight; singles, couples and families; farmers, artists, teachers and students, doctors, scientists; long time Vermonters and recent arrivals; quiet and outgoing people.

We welcome individuals and families of all ethnicities, spiritual backgrounds, sexual orientations, and gender identities. We celebrate and respect our individual differences and similarities. We believe each person who becomes a part of our spiritual community brings his or her own special gifts that will enhance all our lives.

The North Chapel is completely ADA compliant. There is a ramp in the front of the church for direct access to the Sanctuary. Hearing assistance/aids are available within the sanctuary. There is an elevator for access to all levels of the church - including the parlors, office, library, social hall, kitchen, Spiritual Exploration rooms, and meditation chapel. Restrooms are accessible on all levels and doorways to all rooms are ADA compliant.

Will I meet others?


Yes, Join us for coffee after the services.

Everyone is invited for coffee and conversation down stairs in the social hall after the Sunday services to see old friends and meet new ones. We sometimes have refreshments and it’s a great time to get to know each other better.

Do you have classes for children?

When Spiritual Exploration classes are in session, children usually stay with their families for the first 15 – 20 minutes of the service. During this period, we sometimes have a story for all ages. Children may go to the front of the room for the story or sit with you. After the story, we sing as they go to their Spiritual Exploration classes. You may walk with your children to their classes and stay with them or return for the service. Children may also spend the entire service with you.

There have been up to twenty-five children enrolled in the children’s religious exploration program. As we go forward we welcome families with children interested in Spiritual Exploration to contact us at office@northchapelvt.org.


What about Spiritual Exploration Classes for Families?

Our goals are to guide participants as they explore the “big questions” of life and help them develop a strong ethical foundation to support a lifelong search for truth and meaning. We offer diverse, engaging, age appropriate experiences in a safe, nourishing environment.

Contact the office for more information: office@northchapelvt.org

Is North Chapel accessible?

The North Chapel is completely ADA compliant. There is a ramp in the front of the church for direct access to the Sanctuary. Hearing assistance/aids are available within the sanctuary. There is an elevator for access to all levels of the church - including the parlors, office, library, social hall, kitchen, Spiritual Exploration rooms, and meditation chapel. Restrooms are accessible on all levels and doorways to all rooms are ADA compliant.

What should I wear?

You and your family should wear what feels comfortable. Although most people come casually dressed, some use Sunday as a chance to dress up a little.

Contact Us

North Universalist Chapel Society 802-457-2557, 7 Church Street, Woodstock VT 05091 Directions/Map

Minister: Rev. Dr. Leon Dunkley can be reached at 802-369-5104 <lldunkley@gmail.com>

Leon’s church office hours are Tuesdays 3-5 and Wednesdays from 12-2

Administrative Assistant: Joanne Boyle can be reached at 802-369-9838 or <office@northchapelvt.org> or <jm.boyle57@gmail.com>

Joanne’s church office hours are Mondays 1-3, Wednesdays 11-3 & Fridays 1-3. Home office hours: Thursdays 10-5. 

Music Director: Diane Mellinger can be reached at 802-234-6619 or <vermontdianem@aol.com>