Connect With Us

Click HERE to read this weeks “InTouch”, our weekly newsletter.

North Chapel Sunday Services are held in the Sanctuary at 10 am.

All service reflections will continue to be recorded.

The videos will be available on our YouTube channel here .

To receive our weekly newsletter InTouch, as well as an email with a link to the reflection on YouTube please sign up here.


Find Sanctuary

From Services on Sundays to quiet moments of peace, our Sanctuary is a very special place. The light that pours in the windows is a reminder that the world outside is as beautiful as the world within us. We cherish and respect our historic building as we appreciate and honor each person who enters. Use the link below to view the video of this week's Sunday Service and learn more.

Find Community

Connect with our community through one of our interest groups or support groups. Amazing Grays, Divorce Support, Healing Circles, Meditation, Yoga, Book Groups, Writing Groups, Change the World Kids, Community Dinners, the list goes on and on!

Most of these groups are now meeting online. We look forward to meeting in person soon.

Find Knowledge

Our Family-Based Spiritual Exploration is lead by Tatum Barnes. On Sunday mornings the children are sung out of the sanctuary and join Tatum in the children’s classroom.

Each year classes are offered for new members.


Find Support

If you need support, Our Minister, Rev. Leon Dunkley or our Pastoral Care Team may be able to help.

We also offer many opportunities for engagement through our year round events and activities

Find Love In Action

We offer opportunities for our church community to encourage active participation in local, regional, and national events, and to share information about causes, action opportunities, organizations, and publications which relate to upholding our Seven UU Principals.

Find Peace

Meditate with our community during our Sunday Services or in one of the three weekly meditation sessions we offer.

Meditation groups are meeting on Zoom because of the pandemic.

North Chapel has a beautiful meditation room for private or group meditations.


The decision to become a member is significant, indicating a willingness to become an integral part of our church community.

Membership in our church is open to all aged 18 and over.

We encourage all those considering membership to participate in our “New UU” classes held each year.


We hope you will join us in supporting the North Chapel with your offerings of time, talent and treasure, as we work together to continue to grow as a strong and vibrant faith community.

The commitment of our members is critical to every aspect of the life of our North Chapel community.


Photos Pages

See our Photos Pages for scenes from many of our events and activities as well as those photos sent in by members over the last years. We invite you to contribute your own photos anytime. Just send them with a brief description to

The North Chapel is completely ADA compliant. There is a ramp in the front of the church for direct access to the Sanctuary. Hearing assistance/aids are available within the sanctuary.

There is an elevator for access to all levels of the church - including the parlors, office, library, social hall, kitchen, Spiritual Exploration rooms and meditation chapel. Restrooms are accessible on all levels and doorways to all rooms are ADA compliant.

Contact us.

North Universalist Chapel Society 7 Church Street, Woodstock VT 05091 Directions/Map

Minister: Rev. Dr. Leon Dunkley can be reached by calling or texting 802-369-5104.

Music Director: Diane Mellinger can be reached at 802-234-6619 or

Administrative Assistant: Joanne Boyle can be reached at 802-369-9838 or 

Director of Spiritual Education: Tatum Barnes can be reached at 646-675-9232 or