Monthly Reflection Themes


2024 Reflections Themes

October 2024

Strength and Vulnerability

Opposites attract. Often, they need each other to reach their full potential. Day and night are intertwined. Joy and sorrow are woven fine. Gravity and grace depend on each other. The same is true of strength and vulnerability. Each becomes more beautiful in the presence of the other.


September 2024

Coming Down to Earth Faithfully

September is a good time for grounding ourselves, for getting down to earth about our lives. It’s a good time for getting back to basics. It’s a good time for going back to school. In September, the season changes. We turn from the end of the summer to the beginning of the fall. Autumn slowly arrives with colorful wonders. It has already started. The leaves are changing. Soon, they’ll be falling so gently to the ground. They’ll fall on our shoulders. They’ll fall on our heads. When we’re lucky, they’ll fall into the palms of our hands. It is a time for getting grounded. It is a time for getting serious as we move compassionately into the days that are before us - sure-footed, stable and rooted in the world in which we live.


August 2024

Rolling Waters, Mighty Stream

Quoting Amos 5:24, Martin Luther King said, "Let justice roll down like waters and righteousness, like an ever-flowing stream." Dr. King used this quote in a speech that he gave on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C. There, he delivered his famous 'I Have a Dream' speech, advancing the cause of civil rights. More than six decades later, his words are still resounding. But now, they echo down through valleys scarred by torrential rains and dangerous floods. The Climate Crisis is changing the power of biblical poetry but we are stronger now, especially when we stand together as one. We are learning how to do this well. We are learning how we will survive.


July 2024


June flowers prepare the way for the sweetness of life. In July, things come into fruition. How shall we enjoy what this good season has to offer? How should we prepare ourselves for all that is in store? 


June 2024

The June Flowering

The rose is the flower that marks the month of June, beautiful and sweet. The rose is unique but it's hardly the only one that is flowering these days. All around us we see irises and poppies, peonies and delphinium, lilies and lavender and honeysuckle. What beauty and what sweetness is flowering within us?


May 2024

Can this month’s Mother’s Day be a celebration of Mother Earth, the mother of us all? May we recognize and embrace our interdependence with nature and open our hearts to the abundance of creation that surrounds and sustains us. And may we try to create sustainable lifestyles that honor the world as the home for all living things.


April 2024

The word April is rooted in the Latin Aprilis, which is derived from the Latin verb aperire meaning to open. As the month of April progresses, slowly the ponds shed their ice, flower buds open, tiny leaves unfurl on the trees, and we shed layers of our winter clothes. Can we follow nature’s lead and be open to new possibilities?


March 2024

Renewal in a Weary World

Welcome, all who seek renewal in a weary world.

   Welcome, all who come with love and energy to share.

Welcome, to those who worry for the future.

   Welcome, each one who is grateful for today.

Know that in this place, you are not alone.

   In community we share our strength with one another

   and we keep the flame of love burning bright.

~Shari Woodbury


February 2024



Sweethearts candies, invented in 1901, say all there is to say about love . . . or do they? 

How do we express our love for partners, family, friends and the world in ten characters or less?  


January 2024

Darkness and Lightness

We can note for ourselves the shadow side of perhaps everything. Lightness and darkness are twin aspects of most every moment, scene, imagining, feeling. They are components of illumination, art, thought, emotion, intention. We might look for the (potentially growing) speck of light in the darkest times and stay alert to the bit of darkness (potentially growing) in even the brightest scenario.

Mahatma Gandhi, the leader of the Indian independence movement, said, “In the midst of darkness, light persists.” He remained steadfast in his beliefs in the face of denial, nihilism, and violence. We too can strive to be a source of light in our communities, even during dark times, and work towards creating positive change.


2023 Reflections Themes

December 2023


So much lies beyond what each of us can comprehend. Many physical phenomenon are unexplained. Emotion is a dimension of its own. Life forces arise, manifest, change, and cease in unnamed, unplanned, infinitely variable ways. We can feel wonder, amazement, respect if not reverence for all that is beyond our understanding. Why not accept and love all of the universe, including mystery.

November 2023



October 2023


Curiosity has been described as beginner’s mind. It asks WHY?... with wonder, not anxiety. When we experience something unfamiliar, do we desire to know more? A person can be like a child, full of amazement and interest, opening up to our diverse, complicated, and sometimes strange world.

Rainer Maria Rilke says: "Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves... Do not now seek the answers, which cannot be given you because you would not be able to live them. And the point is, to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps you will then gradually, without noticing it, live along some distant day into the answer…”

September 2023


The Dalai Lama writes, “Compassion is the wish to see others free from suffering. … Compassion and tolerance are not a sign of weakness, but a sign of strength. … Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them, humanity cannot survive. … Love and compassion are the true religions to me. But to develop this, we do not need to believe in any religion.” 

Additionally, Pema Chodron says: “Having compassion starts and ends with having compassion for all those unwanted parts of ourselves.”

July & August 2023


 What is imagination? The practice of waking up to possibility.  The healing practice of putting ourselves in other people’s shoes.  The practice of completing the world by conjuring up its missing parts.  The practice of allowing hope to widen our view. We can come more alive when we look beyond the obvious, soften our stance, open ourselves to other dimensions.


May and June 2023



April 2023

REGENERATION: Coming Fully Alive!

“Don't ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive, and go do that, because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”

~ Howard Thurman



March 2023

The Threshold of Togetherness

What a journey we’ve been on! It seems like a long road back to where we want to be. The house we left behind has changed. The garden we tended needs loving care. As we find our way back home, we will meet again once familiar friends, encounter memories, and we will make new discoveries. We can find a new togetherness.


February 2023

The Wisdom of Mid-Wintering

When we try hard enough, it becomes possible to see that the deepest part of winter is also the dearest dream of spring. Back in late October, we entertained a silly thought. We wondered, ‘What if the seasons are twice as long as we think they are?’ and ‘What if they overlap like shingles?’ If they did, then winter would start in early autumn and autumn, in the beginning of summer. Summer would start in the early springtime and spring would be beginning now. It’s a new way to think about this time of year. It leads us to wonder about what’s taking root beneath the snow.

January Theme


As we begin another year, what new stories will we tell?  What old stories will we tell again in brand new ways?  As our new year unfolds, this seems to provide an opportunity to make change in our lives…if we choose.  We can choose joy and courage. We can choose hope and deep compassion.  Whatever we choose, there will be challenges.  They may deter us and they may guide us.  Whatever we choose, they will be blessings.  We are starting on a brand new day!


2022 Reflections Themes

For the first 8 months we focused on The Seven Unitarian Universalist Principles.

January Theme: 1. The inherent worth and dignity of every person;

February Theme: 2. Justice, equity and compassion in human relations;

March Theme: 3. Acceptance of one another and encouragement to spiritual growth in our congregations;

April Theme: 4. A free and responsible search for truth and meaning;

May Theme: 5. The right of conscience and the use of the democratic process within our congregations and in society at large;

June Theme: 6. The goal of world community with peace, liberty, and justice for all;

July Theme: 7. Respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part.

August Theme: The 8th principle, under consideration by the UUA: “We, the member congregations of the Unitarian Universalist Association, covenant to affirm and promote: journeying toward spiritual wholeness by working to build a diverse multicultural Beloved Community by our actions that accountably dismantle racism and other oppressions in ourselves and our institutions.”

September Theme: TOGETHERNESS

October Theme: Transforming Conflict 

Why is conflict so challenging?  Is it because we don’t understand the intentions, values and beliefs that motivate others?  Is it because we don’t understand ourselves?

Sometimes it’s hard to talk to people who see the world differently.  It’s hard to talk to those who want something that we do not.

How do we deal with this?  How do we move forward together? 

It starts with being willing to hear others without judging them first.  It starts with knowing how they feel, with listening to the sources of their beliefs and preferences. It starts with knowing your own beliefs and preferences.

Most of the time, we avoid continuing conversations with people who have a different viewpoint than we do. At the same time, most of us (maybe all of us) want to be  seen and heard.  Most of us long to be accepted and to be loved.

This is hard work. How do we do it without losing our balance?

Can we acknowledge the emotional weight and history of a thing without losing our sense of balance?

November Theme: Resilience

Resilience is the capacity to recover from difficulties. How do we balance toughness and flexibility when navigating challenging circumstances? How do we stay centered and draw strength from ourselves and our community when facing hardship? Resilience can both help us grow and transform, and it can also help us spring back to our original shape.


2021 Reflections Themes

December Reflections Theme

The Gift of Presence

As we gather for the holidays, this may be the most valuable gift we can give each other. We can listen with warm and open hearts as together we share our thoughts and experiences, strengthening our relationships and our communities.

November 2021 Reflections Theme

What sustains us?

We are riding the ups and downs of the bumpy road that is life. We must recognize and find ways to bolster what gives us emotional, physical and even spiritual strength. With stamina and the flexibility to endure and overcome, we can find joy.

October 2021 Reflections Theme

Navigating Uncertainty: Opportunities and Risks

Change is constant, but what are the possibilities?

How can opportunities and safety be maximized and risk minimized?  Weighing risks and taking some is a fundamental part of the human experience that can support growth.  How do we recognize and also create opportunities and joy in these complex times? 

September 2021 Reflections Theme

Minding the Heart in Times of Crisis

When we are faced with life’s challenges, can we take a moment to connect to ourselves, to our hearts? Without holding our center how can one be really present for another, responding with kindness and love? Possibilities are often hidden in a crisis. We can move forward with curiosity and an open heart to make the changes we desire.

August 2021 Reflections Theme


An uprooted plant can be set into a new soft bed of soil, watered and given sunshine.  In time its wilted leaves may revive and grow new shoots past the broken stems, and bloom in its harried state.  Those roots can hold and find nourishment in a new place.  We fall down...we seek to get up.  One can develop strength in the midst of challenge.  We seek resources within ourselves, but it is often our strong and supportive relationships that help us find a way forward.

July 2021 Reflections Theme


Courage is necessary not only when we face the large challenges in our lives, but also when we address the smaller moments and decisions that are difficult but important to meet with honesty. It takes courage to stand up for what we believe and to act on those beliefs, speaking up when we see situations that are unjust or hurtful to others. It is easier to be silent, than to forge a new path. Courage can shake others awake and be a glue holding people and movements together, harmonizing and harnessing powerful emotions.

Spring 2021 Reflection Themes

Our worship themes for the next three months will focus on healing:

April - Healing Ourselves

May - Healing Our Earth

June - Healing Our World.

April: We begin this healing trilogy by focusing on the care of ourselves as we enter the season of rebirth and renewal. With the constant pressures of daily life, how do we find ways to bring our attention inward, living with more awareness and a clearer understanding of ourselves? Can this be a time to arrive fully alive in the present moment, nurturing our inner peace and healing ourselves so that we can more fully care for our world and each other?

May: This planet is our home. So many interdependent living organisms including the elements of mother earth herself and the biosphere are all delicately balanced. Systems shift, often slowly, almost invisibly, sometimes catastrophically. Imagine for a while the consequences of our human ingenuity. Consider how we might help heal and also prevent further damage. What effort can each of us make? These small “sacrifices” can contribute to positive change.

June: We conclude this healing trilogy by asking ourselves how the ripples of our actions can help heal the world. It is easy to feel overwhelmed by the huge challenges our global community faces. How do we move towards mindful change? How do we stay in conversation with people with different perspectives? By refocusing our awareness and taking small steps while keeping the big picture in focus, can we work towards the greater good?

March 2021 Reflections Theme:


Every moment has potential. Are we curious, opening our hearts and engaging our imaginations to look for the palette of colors besides the black and white of a thing? We can take a risk and explore multiple perspectives including fresh ones. Will we step through each threshold to discover new possibilities?

February 2021 Reflections Theme:


Thresholds give us the opportunity to move from one place to another, psychologically or physically. We can begin anew as we watch the days lengthen or. seasons change. Are there thresholds in your life that you are experiencing or anticipating?

January 2021 Reflections Theme:

The Common Good

At the North Chapel, we enhance the common good by taking our commitment to the health and welfare of every person and sharing it in an active way with the world around us to strengthen a collective action toward love, peace and understanding.

December 2020 Reflections Theme:

Focus on the Light

During World War II, Hans Deutsch created the chalice and flame as a Unitarian symbol having connotations of sacrifice and love. Today, Unitarian Universalists include the light of reason, the warmth of community and the flame of hope. With sacrifice, love, reason, community, hope and keeping our eyes on the light, we can weather COVid and the many other challenges we currently face.

November 2020 Reflections Theme:

 Holding Our Center in Turbulent Times

They say that the love of riding horses outweighs the fear of being thrown by them.  They say that if we do get thrown from the horse, the best thing to do is to get right back on.  The key to staying in the saddle is knowing one’s center of gravity but that doesn’t always work.  Life is wild.  It pushes us off balance every now and then.  It is important to hold our center in turbulent times.  But what are the keys?  Where is the wisdom?  How do we gain that experience in days like these?

October 2020 Reflections Theme:


In these days of pandemic, racial justice challenges, and elections, how do we cope with uncertainty? Each day, we can take positive steps to care for ourselves and each other. We can set aside time to imagine love flowing out into the world. We can focus on all the things we have to be grateful for. We can find ways to connect with others.

September 2020 Reflections Theme:


Faith is about finding a magnetic center where our psychic energy can reside in wholeness and harmony untroubled by the demands and concerns of the day. We can have faith that the earth will meet our needs if we live in harmony with her

August 2020 Reflections Theme:


In times of disruption, we can call on stillness of mind, heart and body. We can gaze at the sky and watch our thoughts and feelings pass through our consciousness as the clouds pass through the sky. We can call on friends to keep us company.

July 2020 Reflections Theme:


It takes courage to honestly, without deception, see ourselves and how we treat each other and the environment. By seeing what we don’t like in our nature as changeable habits of mind, it frees us from judgment and spurs us to action. 

June 2020 Reflections Theme:

The Gift of Counsel

When we get ensnared by the complexities of our personalities or the challenges of life, sometimes just a pause can help us find some clarity. In these moments, we may seek the wisdom and energy of the ancestors, nature or enlightened folks around us who provide tools of insight that unlock the chains that bind us.